
Friday 29 January 2016

Myanmar's Traditional Make-up

Myanmar’s traditional Make-up (Thanakhar)
Thanakhar trees are perennial trees which have 20-30 feet high and grow abundantly in central Myanmar. Thanakhar is traditional make-up for Myanmar women. It has been used by Burmese women for over 2000 years. Thanakhar is used not only for beauty but also for preventing sunburn. There has cooling effect on skin and good odour.  All of Myanmar girls like to put Thanakha on their cheeks. To get Thanakha cream, Thanakha bark is used and grinded on circular stone slab with a small amount of water. They use that cream by putting on their face and arm. Moreover, a lesser extent of men and boys also use Thanakha.

In Thailand, 2010, the researchers observed that Thanakha bark has antioxidants and effect on healing in swollen injury, as well as killing effect on bacteria and preventing effect on hormones causing skin changes.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Buddhas, Monywa, Sagaing Division, Myanmar

Monywa Buddhas
In the hills South East of Monywa is the Maha Bodhi Ta Htaung, a Burmese monastery known for its two giant images of the Buddha. The images on top of a hill dominate the area and can be seen from far away. The large grounds at the foot of the hill is dotted with thousands of seated Buddha images under Bodhi trees.

Standing Buddha image
A standing image of the Buddha is the Laykyun Setkyar Buddha dressed in a golden robe. The stairs to the platform where the image is on is guarded by two large white Chinthes, mythological creatures resembling a lion. The 31 storey image measures 116 meters high (129 meters including pedestal). It was completed in 2008. The image is hollow; visitors can climb to nearly the top. The ground floor exhibits a number of Buddha images in several mudras.

On the walls of the image’s interior are murals depicting scenes from Buddhist hell and the punishments received by those who stay there. Some rather graphic scenes show the punishments for every type of sin. From the top of the image visitors have great views of the surrounding country side with the mountains in the background.

Friday 8 January 2016

Christmas and New Year Event

On 27.12.2015, author arrived to Seoul, South Korea and visited to ice ski place on the front of Seoul Library and Seoul City Hall. In addition, author visited to Seoul National Art Museum and took the pictures of the beauty near around that places.

Tuesday 5 January 2016